RETEX’s Roof For A Veteran Initiative

RETEX’s Roof For A Veteran Initiative

September 5, 2023

Do you know a veteran who could benefit from a new, free roof?

If so, check out our Roof for a Vet program!

We’re working with Owens Corning to provide a free roof for a local veteran in need. But we need your help in finding someone who could benefit from this program.

We are collecting nominations from now until September 30, with the hope of installing a new roof for a local veteran on Veterans’ Day, November 11.

So if you or someone you know is a veteran who could use a new roof, please go to our website at and submit a nomination today.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Do you know a veteran in need of a new roof? 
Hi, my name is John Gordon and I'm the local   Branch manager for Retex Roofing and Exteriors.As 
a marine veteran myself, I'm excited to announce   Our new program, Roof for a Vet. To put it 
simply ,we're partnering with Owens Corning   To provide a new roof for a vet in need, but we 
need your help finding someone who can benefit   From this program. So if you or someone you 
know is a veteran in need of a new roof,   Please go to to submit 
your nomination, and thanks again for your help.